
Welcome to my website, I hope you enjoy my photos.

My name is James McLeod and I currently live in Málaga, Spain.  I first got interested in photography due to my fascination with all things technical.  I love to have the latest gadgets and am a self confessed “Gear Acquisition Syndrome” sufferer!

Once I got over the initial novelty of having the latest piece of photographic gadgetry I started to get drawn to the art of taking photos.  I soon found myself interested in the theory behind Photography, learning about exposure and composition.  Initially I took mostly landscape and travel photos but in recent years have become more interested in Street Photography.

I started off shooting Digital but over the last year or so have re-discovered Film.  There’s something unique about Film that however hard you try you can’t replicate with Digital.  Like many people I started with a Compact Camera and then switched to a DSLR but recently have been drawn to lighter weight alternatives.   I currently use a Nikon D800, Leica M9, Fuji X-Pro1 and X100 for Digital and a Nikon FM3a and Leica M7 for Film.

After many years of hoarding images on a hard drive I decided to setup a website to share some of the images I find the most interesting.  I welcome any comments or feedback both good and bad, I want to improve and grow as a photographer.





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